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Understanding the importance of self-care for You and Your body and incorporating it into your everyday life can be complicated.
Wohlsam wants to encourage you to do this.
Frauenkräuter - Natürliche Hilfe für den weiblichen Körper

Oct 3, 2023

Herbs for Women - Natural help for the female body

Many women suffer from unpleasant menstrual cramps. Don't You just want to use classic medicines? How about the healing power of women's herbs instead?
Starke Regelschmerzen - Helfen Hausmittel?

Sep 1, 2023

Severe menstrual pain - do home remedies help?

As a woman, You know it all too well: menstrual pain as an unpleasant accompanying symptom of Your menstruation. Fortunately, there are a variety of natural methods that can help You feel better.
Mondzeit Balm - Wohltuender Periodenbalsam

Jun 5, 2023

MoonTime Balm - soothing period balm

At Wohlsam, we believe that no one should endure chronic pain. That's why we're thrilled to introduce You to a revolutionary balm that's been in development and rigorous testing for over a year and a half. It's time to make a change and say goodbye to those monthly aches and discomfort.
Die Periode als Zeit der inneren Kraft und Verbindung

Jan 2, 2023

The period as a time of inner strength and connection

Periods are a challenging time for many women. But it can also be a time when we connect with our inner power and wondrous processes in our body.
Regelschmerzen: Primäre vs. Sekundäre Dysmenorrhoe - Was Du wissen musst

Dec 1, 2022

Menstrual Pain: Primary vs. Secondary Dysmenorrhea - What you need to know

In this article, we explain the differences between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea and help You better understand Your menstrual pain.
Die Periode - Zyklus der Frau

Nov 1, 2022

The menstrual cycle in women

Periods are a natural part of a woman's body, but it can be uncomfortable and cause symptoms like cramps, pain, and mood swings. We go into detail about the symptoms of the period and give You some useful tips.
Starke Menstruation: Du musst nicht alleine leiden

Oct 1, 2022

Heavy menstruation: You don't have to suffer alone

Most women experience some discomfort during their period, but severe pain can indicate an underlying medical problem. Here are some possible causes of severe period pain and tips for everyday life.
Alte Weisheiten über die Menstruation der Frau

Sep 1, 2022

Ancient wisdom about the female menstruation

There is a lot of forgotten wisdom about menstruation that can help You better understand and live with Your period. In this blog post You will find some important tips.
Unterleibsschmerzen: Was Frauen wissen sollten

Aug 3, 2022

Abdominal pain: What women should know

The pain we feel during menstruation can feel different. They can be stinging, aching or colicky and make us feel like someone is wringing out our uterus.
Warum Frauen endlich offen über Regelschmerzen sprechen sollten

Jul 1, 2022

Why women should finally talk openly about menstrual pain

Let's break the menstrual taboo together and fight for a world where women can stay healthy free from shame and embarrassment.

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